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Les semis de La Seigneurie



Regular price $1.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $1.00 CAD
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Bright orange flesh, warm climate fruit that prefers fertile, light, sandy soil. The fruit is mature when it separates easily from the stem.

Flavor : Creamy texture

Preparation Ideas : To determine if a cantaloupe is ready to eat, sniff the flower end (opposite the stem end). It should smell like cantaloupe. Remove the skin and eat fresh or make melon balls to add to fruit salad.

Seed Type : Heirloom

Latin name : cucumis melo

Sow seeds directly in the garden after danger of frost has passed. For an earlier crop, start indoors 4-5 weeks before the last frost. Grows best in fertile, light, sandy soil.

Seeding depth: 2.5m (1")

Space between plants: 60 to 90cm (24 to 36")

Space between rows: 1.5m (5')

The fruit is mature when it separates easily from the stem.

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In order to know your hardiness zone, we recommend that you obtain an accurate report and a sowing calendar adapted to you.

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Plus, if you want to create your custom calendar that fits your climate and seed choices, click here .